Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quick Write

I had a serious of laughing uncontrollably during a flat tire making us late t our road trip to corpus Cristi.
the rain just makes me wanna stay in bed all day long.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

20 Squares

Hope I cope with Stress

Well i either lock the door of my room hook my phone up to my stereo and blast y music and lay in bed maybe puff from my Hookah with some blue mist shisha or just go buy a family bag of Chex Mix and play Xbox for hours at a time all in my comfy clothes if that cant be done i just don't talk all day and just have my music going just enjoy my thoughts and save my breath.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Quick Write

Favorite Smells
My favorite smells would the sour smell of pickles right out of the jug it sends my jaw into a full pucker  with just the smell.
Another would be my Doggie rillo i like the natural dog smell also the cold fall breeze smells great, and then theres baby powder, orange scented markers, then there is the new video game fresh smell all the smooth plastic. and another would have to be my feet i like my own feet.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Composition Photos

Rules of thirds
I chose this one that i could divide the picture using the placement of the tales and the kids as thirds.

Inline image 2  

Leading Lines
I took this picture when I saw the student walking I used them for the lines Leading forward.

Inline image 1 

I actually staged this picture the idea just popped in my head.

Inline image 2 

This was a struck of luck I immediately saw the great picture to use the bleachers as the base the the floor reflected them this is my favorite.

Inline image 3

Principles of Design

Balance- The arrangement of one or more elements in a work of art.

Contrast- Using opposites near or beside one another.

Emphasis- Is a principle of art which occurs any time an element of a piece is given dominance by the artist.

Is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the artwork.

Pattern- Repeating elements.

Rhythm- When the regular repetition of particular forms or elements occurs in a work of art.

Unity- A feeling of completeness.

Elements of Art

Line- Is a line formed by a pair of marks.

Shape- Is an enclosed space.

Color- When light is reflected off an object.

Value (Tone)- Shadows, darkness, contrasts and light

Form- An element of art, such as you would see in a sculpture that has three dimensions.

Texture- Texture creates the feeling of an object.

Space- The distances or areas around.

Quick Write

so i guess ill do a little quick write about my job i work in the kitchen at chuck e cheese i managed to close the whole kitchen by myself which is a  big thing in order to show that i want a premotion it got really bad and worked really hard for my reward i got free pizza and cheesey bread sticks with peperonni inside it witch i ate this morning.

Friday, October 11, 2013

My ideal Car

My ideal car is big jeep like car with good gas millage doesn't have to be the newest or shiniest ca just reliable but a loud sound system something with bangers nothing sporty just like fast with all terrain tires on it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

academincs and commuity service

I chose this for the line work of everyone's arms really brings it all together as one picture.

Academics Shoot preview

I think this one has the best story there had to be a turn of events that led to the explosion and the amazed look on their faces.
 I chose this for Action or Emotion because her emotion is so serious so concentrated.

So i chose this for fills the frame because of all the people in the circle fill up the whole picture.